Dealer and Travel Information for Montana
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RS - by the city denotes a retail store.
- denotes a LAMP Sponsor
What's in Montana

Celebrities Born in Montana

Movies Made in Montana

Movie Sites and Attractions in Montana

Movie Trivia From Montana

 The smallest cinema on record in the US was the Silver Star Theater in Silver Star, Montana in 1925. It had a seating capacity of 26. There was a second theater in Silver Star with a seating capacity of 100. The oddity was that Silver Star only had a population of 75.

LAMP Sponsors
in Montana

There are No LAMP Sponsors in Montana

LAMP Suppliers
in Montana
No LAMP Suppliers in Montana
LAMP Dealers
in Montana
No LAMP Dealers in Montana
LAMP Approved
Framing Locations
No Framing Locations in Montana
Poster Exhibits & Museums

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