have been alerted to a major problem developing for poster collectors.
Anyone that ships posters through the Post Office needs to read
this special report on the installation of new 'irradiation'
equipment. For the details ...click here
27, 2002
week has been frantic for a number of reasons. First because
it's the deadline week for our article in Movie Collectors World
for next month. Next because of the preparation of the Fantastic
Heritage Auction coming up July 4th weekend in Rosemont, Ill.
with some fantastic posters (they're listed in the sponsors
section on the Heritage dealers page.) But lastly and most importantly,
I've been working on a problem that is a major concern to ANY
poster dealer or collector that ships through the post office.
We'll be making an announcement as soon as we finish confirming
a little more info.
may notice that we're starting to change some of the layouts
and adding a lot more material. We're turning on a new section
dealing with 'Preservation'. Right now it's under the article
section but that'll be changing this weekend. A lot of new additions
and changes are in the process so if it seems a little chaotic......well
it is......
19, 2002
getting ready to send out the monthly newsletter and thought
I better bring the bulletin board up to date at the same time..
we want to welcome another sponsor to our fast growing family(yeah!!!).
Auctions is our very first auction house to come onboard!!!
Our first auction is coming up the July 4th weekend so you'll
see a whole pile of great pieces in the movie section with their
name on it!! You can click on their name to go to their 'dealer
page' and see a list of what they have on site. So be sure and
check out list ... (and there's no extra charge for drooling:)
bring you up to date on our confrontation with the framing industry...
we've almost finished our update on the 'framing article' with
a special section 'For Framers Only' including framers charts
to help them recognize our collectibles from regular commercial
posters. I'm still rewording the checklist for collectors to
have to take to their framers..
just finished putting on our last article from 'Movie Collectors
World' entitled 'Evolution and Degeneration of the One Sheet'.
You can get to it from the 'Index' under 'Articles'
the last couple of weeks, I've added over 300 movie pages (my
fingers are about 1/2 inch shorter:) and you'll notice I'm trying
to start a lot more filling in the NSS numbers. We have about
1200 NSS numbers in our database. We will be adding a section
on them when we get a few more. When you have extra time....
take a look at your posters and write down the NSS numbers and
title of the movie and send them to me to add in our database.
Send to me at:
you're not getting our monthly newsletter... you can send me
an email at the same address and I'll add you to our list...
back to work......
8, 2002
lot of stuff going on that we want to bring you up to date on..
we wanted to make a special notice !!!!!
Since we officially opened LearnAbout.... in January of 2001,
our first year we just skated over the 100,000 hits mark....
We wanted to give a SPECIAL THANKS for the overwhelming support...In
addition, LearnAbout.. had visitors from over 75 different countries....giving
us more reasons to move to a more international position.
want to welcome another sponsor to our fast growing family(yeah!!!).
Long time dealer Kirby McDaniel at MovieArt
has joined us. Kirby has a great selection of vintage posters
to drool over PLUS he specializes in large paper which is hard
to come by. I love the large paper because is usually has the
BEST artwork of that particular release (mainly because they
have the room to put it on) Anyway, we'll be adding a lot of
his stuff on that you'll be able to see on his Sponsors' dealer
page and through the Movie Section or check out his website
or even call him at 512-479-6680.
you might have noticed on the front page that we're trying to
get the Star Wars Poster Archive back up and have created a
special entrance for Star Wars fans. Because of so many fakes
and problems, we've turned on the American section of Stars
Wars, Empire and Return including breakdowns and fake reports
and will be adding more soon. There's so much to add there that
it will take a while to get to a lot of the foreign and promotional
material......But we'll get it on as soon as we can.
When you go thru the front page entrance, you'll see some special
reports and articles being added (notice the fan art section
with some great stuff) and you've got to listen to the Star
Wars song I found on the bottom right corner of the entrance
page. Let me know what you think:)
gossip times over so back to work:)
might notice on the navbar that we've added a new section. It's
called 'Cool Stuff'. This is links that we like and thought
you might also. The difference is that if you like them, they
help support us at the same time..... how can you beat that.
there's some great stuff there....excuse me 'cool stuff' there
and we'll be adding a couple of others soon
3, 2002
did the month go???? It just seems to fly by.
We went over 2000 pages on the site this month. (yeah!!) We
also posted over 400 movie pages with photos during May and
added 11 articles and revamped several more. The problem is,
in our new movie section, we have almost 50,000 movies listed
so 400 is just a drop in the bucket:( Our target is 500 movie
pages a month so we fell a little short this past month so we'll
have to push a little harder. We will be trying to work on the
Silent section a lot more in the upcoming month so be watching
if that's one of your areas.
pulled the end of the month reports and WOW, you wouldn't believe
the amount of Non US visitors we had to the site last month.
Anyone that may be interested, email me and I'll be glad to
show you.... I didn't know they had that many countries:)
watch our dealers and sponsors lists to as we add them, these
dealers are helping to keep LAMP a free reference site so check
out their items when possible.
back to the poster pile.......
30, 2002
would like to make everyone aware of an interesting development
in the last few days. Everyone who's been in the hobby very
long knows Sue Heim at Hollywood Poster Frame and has probably
read her article here on LearnAbout..
It seems someone from the framing community found Sue's article
and didn't like it. So he spread it thru the framers grapevine
and I've been bombarded with questions.
it's true that we're very critical of most framers mainly because,no
matter how well intentioned, they blindly dry-mount,seal, mat
and proceed to frame movie art to regular art standards which
normally either ruins the piece or greatly diminishes it's value
in our hobby.
I would like to submit to you typical email from a well meaning
framer as well as my response:
'Dear EDP
I have just skimmed your web site home page:
I will return to it when I have more time.
I strongly suggest that your website is guilty of the very
thing that it criticizes others for having done, and I question
the credibility of the writer.
Much of the information that it provides is rife with inaccuracies,
and seems to be based upon extrapolations from an extremely
limited knowledge base.
I perceive that although the writer may be well-intentioned,
I also perceive that the writer suffers from a gross shortage
of sound technical background. I suggest that the writer may
have an agenda other than what is presented in the website.
Even though your web page slams the framing industry, I suggest
that the writer may well learn more about the conservation
and preservation of paper artifacts from framers than from
the sources of information previously employed.
I extend an invitation to you, to join The Picture Framers
Grumble. Perhaps you will see a side of the picture framing
industry you did not know existed.
FYI, here's my reply
Dear OTC,
How can you accuse my website of ANYTHING when you've read one
page out of more than 2000. And the one page was NOT written
by me but since it's not my
area it's written by one of the most respected collectors and
framers in our industry.
Normally I take great interest from anyone who sends in a correction
email BUT from your writing, 'I perceive' that you wouldn't
know a double crown from a foglio, let alone the in's and out's
of movie poster collecting.
Uninformed poster framers like yourself are feared in our hobby
and we try to spread the word to every beginner that we can
to stay away.
I did a reverse link back to the Grumble yesterday just to see
what it was. I joined , for whatever good it may do. (If you
would check YOUR Grumble instead of trying to preach to me you
would see)I was hoping to get across
some of the problems that our hobby has with framers. Even though
I was pleasantly surprised at most of the responses that I received,
I doubt that it will do any good.
You may have more technical knowledge of paper conservation,
but your lack of knowledge about our hobby negates any benefit
of it. We would rather STAY
with our less technical framers for the simple fact that they
don't RUIN 90% of the pieces they touch just from sheer lack
of knowledge of what we require.
When you have legitimate comments that are of benefit to US
as poster collectors and not just the concept of uninformed
(but technically sound) FRAMERS, I'll be more than happy to
I'll keep you posted on any outcome.
22, 2002
notice we're beginning to turn on the framework for several new
lists, documentaries, shorts, and x-rated. We have also been quietly
gathering NSS numbers for our coming list on it, but we've started
posting NSS numbers under some of the titles as we post the movies.
We hope to fill in as many as possible. If anyone has any lists
of NSS numbers, please send them (with the associated title, not
JUST the numbers) and help us fill them in.
help streamline our announcements, instead of emailing out announcments,
we will be sending out a monthly newsletter. This is designed
to be a little more in depth than the bulletin board with what's
going on behind the scenes. If you would like to receive our newsletter,
just click here
and add your email address that you want the newsletter sent to.
I have also put this announcement in the 'contact us' section.
those dealers that invited us to come take photos from their site,
my daughter has started the gathering so you'll be seeing your
name soon as a 'courtesy of....' tag. Thanks for this help.
to the grind....
16, 2002
want to welcome 2 more sponsors to our rapidly expanding family(yeah!!!).
First is Terry at Quadbod
Media Memorabilia...Terry specializes in British Quads and
has an excellent selection. Nice friendly people to deal with
so be sure and tell them hello.
we have just added Alastair Soles at All
Time Movie Posters. Alastair handles both original and commercial
theater posters and specializes in new releases so be sure and
take a look at what's new.
wanted to update everyone on the progress of the 'Movie Section'.
We had several comments about the layout of the section.... (primarily
the comments were ....'I can't remember what year is was....'
or something to that effect) so I thought I better stop and put
in the alphabetical listing bar before it got too big.
above the year section is a little alphabetical navbar. It might
be small but ...boy, did it take a lot of work!!! and a couple
of those letters are pretty large documents!! I had primarily
started posting some of the 'A's (which you can tell when you
click on the letters) when I stopped to put it in and bring it
in sync with the other section.. So now you can click on either
one to find the title.
start back posting and filling in again. We have several thousand
ready to be posted now so you should see them start to fill in
a little better now. My daughter (Sarah) has agreed to come help
me with pulling photos from the kind dealers that told us to come
get them.
the next update....
13, 2002
want to welcome another sponsor to our fast growing family(yeah!!!).
Long time dealer and collector John Colman at 20th Century Original
Movie Posters in London. No, don't think that John just has British
posters..... You can see his stuff at :
He's got a GREAT selection of US one sheets, pressbooks, lobby
cards and heralds so don't miss out some really good stuff!!
you can see, there's a lot of changes and expansion in the works
so please be patient while we try to format the additions. Here's
what's going on so you can be watching.....
know the 'Movie Section' is in progress and we're adding and modifying
it in the set-up.
We're about to put the alphabetical listings on in the next couple
of days so you can look up a movie if you don't know the year.
This should make it easier and we will then be attaching both
listings as we add the photos
looking at breaking the posters sections down like this.....
Documentaries, Shorts, Serials(which will also be included in
the Shorts list), and Combos will have their OWN breakdowns under
their sections. These will NOT be included in the 'Movie Section'.
Animation and X-rated will have a breakdown in their section but
will also be included in the main 'Movie Section'
will tie to which one that's appropriate.
may help understand the progress a little more. If anyone has
any suggestions on how to better organize it, please let us know.
Otherwise, a lot of the time it has to be trial and error.
week we seem to be getting more people coming on the site so I'll
try to keep everyone posted as much as possible.
10, 2002
want to welcome 2 new sponsors to our fold (yeah!!!).
Both are long time dealers and well known thru-out the poster
industry. The first dealer is John from Musicman. John's famous
Movie Poster Page
has a great selection of ALL types of posters. (personally, I
like the Polish posters:) Definately a place to check out and
spend some time.
to join our growing fold is a name that you see EVERYWHERE. Dan
at Mad Phat has the best selection of INDY posters on the net.
Dan's also got a lot of other stuff so don't get lost and miss
the posters - it's under Mighty
Mighty Movie Poster Mania. You'll need to check out his dealer
page in a couple of days too on the links page and the sponsors
no sleep for me for the next couple of weeks, I better go make
another pot of coffee... later
May 9, 2002
had to make a few adjustments as we continue to work on the 'Movie'
section. I thought you might want to know some of these. We decided
to make 'Silents' the division line for the movies listed in the
'Movie' Section. So this will take the list back to 1927. Before
that the movies become entangled with the 'shorts' so we'll be
making a different section for the silent movies.
was very disgruntled with the quality of the photos that were
going into the movie section so we've changed programs and I think
you'll see a big difference in photo quality as we add them on
and go back and correct the ones that are already there.
are in the middle of making a special announcement and offer for
dealers while we load info in the section. (see
dealer offer)
We're already getting tremendous response for dealers and you'll
be seeing a lot of new sponsors and listings showing the posters
they have to offer... we're working out the details with several
now. so watch out for all the changes....
received a suggestion that I hadn't thought about dealing with
'Foreign' posters and articles.
Since we're getting a tremendous amount of people from OUTSIDE
the US, (I was totally shocked at the report of all the different
countries that collectors are coming from) I've decided to make
this a site for EVERYONE and NOT for just us in the US, SO...we're
changing all sections and listings of 'FOREIGN' posters to 'NON
you have a suggestion on ANY way to improve the site, please let
me know.
was my break so I better get back to work,
2, 2002
want to welcome a new sponsor to our fold(yeah!!!).
is a special sponsor.. When we first sent word that we needed
dealer sites for photos, Fred at theCinemaTrade.com said 'use
whatever we needed'
Now as we start to expand, Fred wants to be our first dealer-sponsor
for the new 'Movie Section' so as we put the photos we're acquiring
from Fred for permanent use with his tag on them..... HE'S ALSO
PUTTING THEM UP FOR SALE!!! So BE SURE to check out Fred's
listings as we add them!! These will be marked in a RED
underneath the poster shown. You can also find a list of items
from a dealer-sponsor in the 'links' section or 'sponsors' section
by their name. From there you can link directly to Fred's site
for more great bargains...... For more info on this program, we've
posted it in the 'Help' section under 'Advertising'
another note.... while surfing the internet yesterday, I found
3 sites that had links to LearnAbout.... and I didn't even know
about it!!!!!! How many more are out there like that??
If you put a link to us on YOUR site.... please let me know and
I'll be glad to add you to our links.
1, 2002
been so busy that I haven't been posting updates, so let me try
to bring everyone a little more up to date......
I want to thank EVERYONE for the tremendous response that we've
been getting since we reopened the site on the 11th..Let me share
a little with you...
we moved our site to our new host, (ReadyHosting is their name
if you're looking for a host) we have added a complete stats package..
I love stats so this put me in hog-heaven:)
Since April 11th, it started a little slow at first
but we ended up with 12,000 people coming on the site to 'learn
about movie posters'...50 people spent MORE than an hour on the
site, 6 people read more than 100 pages in one session on the
site AND 1 fanatic spent over 7 1/2 hours on the site in 1 session!!!!!!!
of today we have 1121 pages of information on the site, but with
the new expansion, it will probably double over the next month.
If you're not a stats person, then I apologize for the ramblings
but I get excited over the response and want to push harder to
expand and be able to present more infomation for everyone.
1 OF THE EXPANSION IS ALMOST COMPLETE!!!!!! and it was a lot harder
than I thought it was going to be. I should have the remainder
all the way back to 1900 posted by this weekend. What's the big
deal you say???? I wanted a base to start gathering information.
I know there will be constant modifications, but you'll really
see what I mean as the alphabetical listings go in, and the photos
and information start to be added.
dealer emailed me to ask 'what was the big deal about Phase 1,
you can go on IMDB anytime and get that'........ just try it,
and see what you get.. we have movies listed that aren't even
ON IMDB. We can't find anything like our lists ANYWHERE on the
back to the positive... Now that Phase 1 is almost complete, we've
started Phase 2, which is acquiring photos and information about
posters on as many movies as possible. We already have several
thousand photos of posters of all different types that we're organizing
right now so you'll start seeing a LOT of changes in that section.
are also announcing to dealers with poster photos on their site,
that if we can use them, we'll put a permanent...' photo courtesy
of...' sticker on them. So if you have a site and want to help,
please email me so your name can become a permanent part of the
be a little patient while we try to attach and post new material.
I know that some will be labeled wrong or in the wrong place as
we try to get it sorted. I'm setting up a special email address
to alert us when we've listed something wrong. I'll be announcing
the address as soon as it's finished. Then we would appreciate
anyone letting us know if we've attached something in the wrong
back to work, 'til next time
21, 2002
want to welcome a new sponsor to our fold(yeah!!!).
One of the cornerstones of the industry..
Movie Collectors World. We've recommended them for years to ALL
collectors, new and ...not as new. The Movie Collectors World
magazine is now boasting 646 consecutive issues which is amazing....
and chocked full of information and contacts that you won't find
anywhere else. And as a new addition........(I'm waiting for the
trumpets to blow....) Sue and I will be writing an article in
each edition for new collectors (and I KNOW you don't want to
miss THAT). starting with the next issue.
So...... be sure to go to their website www.mcwonline.com
and check out all the great stuff there and then get a subscription.
I think it's only a little over $2 per issue....
What!!!!! MY articles worth more than that!!!!!! I may have to
tell them that they're selling them too cheap!!!
Oh well, take advantage before they realize what they're doing...
20, 2002
been getting several collectors asking about all the problems
with new Spiderman posters. - As much as I would love to have
the time to try to run down all the differences and details, I
just don't any more BUT there's a great site by a fellow fanatic:)
Dan enjoys running down these slippery little devils and alerting
fellow collectors....
you're looking to pick up a Spiderman, be sure and check out this
site FIRST. There's also several other major pieces that are shown.
17, 2002
I sit here with my little fingers cramping, my only thought is
'What have I started??'........
Now I see why you can't find a list of all the US movies, no less
poster breakdowns and info.
My wife and I debated back and forth whether to go ahead and turn
the 'Movie' section on while we continue to load the info. The
thought was ... it's going to take sooooo long to get this section
completed AND it's a never-ending section because there's always
new coming out AND always independents that you missed!!!
What we're trying to set up is an area to gather the poster information
about each US movie released and have it in one 'organized?' section
for collectors to be able to utilize. (At the moment it feels
like trying to pick up all the sand on the beach:-)
The movies are arranged by year and we've turned on the 2000's
and 1990's. You'll be able to see as I add additional years and
movie info on each.
When you look at a movie page, notice that we've placed a navbar
on the bottom of each movie page to add additional information.
The first section 'Theater Material' is where we'll be adding
info on Presskits, Lobby cards, Half-sheets, Inserts etc. The
next section 'Foreign' is of course where we'll be adding foreign
posters released. Then 'commercial' is for any commercial material
on the movie as we locate it.
already had several friends sending info to add. We appreciate
this and will be tagging a 'courtesy of...' tag under each.
you have any suggestions or comments...
let me hear 'em
12, 2002
It's good to be back....
(what do you mean you didn't miss me???) ..
a couple of months ago, all of a sudden we couldn't get ahold
of our host. Then our emails started going off and on, our sites
started going up and down. We literally emailed hundreds of times
and still haven't received a single email from them. We lost our
LearnAbout and Star Wars email systems, then we lost part of our
CSM systems, THEN we lost the whole Star Wars poster site!!! We
had designed a new online database system for all the Star Wars
posters that is now totally GONE......
have now completed the move to a NEW LARGER and FASTER host that
gives us a lot more flexability so look out!!!!!
email system is now in place so you'll start seeing a lot of new
Over the next week or so we will be restructuring and adding the
'Star Wars Poster Archive' to LearnAbout.
We're almost ready to turn on the new 'Movies' section.
These 2 monster sections will take quite a bit of work so.....
please be patient while we add.
also try to run down connection problems and add more photos and
I've got so much to add and do I just got tired thinking about
it... oh, well, it's still nice to be back.
Since I haven't been receiving any LearnAbout emails for the past
month, if I missed anything important, please let me know:)