Bulletins for January - March 2002 Mar. 24, 2002 I guess you know that we've been having server problems...... I'm beginning to think that we've outgrown our current host and need to look for another. All of our sites are back online BUT half of our email systems are still down. We haven't been able to get email for this site for the past week. TEMPORARILY
If you sent questions or updates to the calendar and didn't receive an answer, I apologize for the problems. We're looking for larger and faster facilities ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar. 9, 2002 I
turned on a new section today on black cast posters. At the bottom of
the article, you can click on a list of black cast films. This is a
work in progress and we will continue to add more as we identify them.
As soon as I finish the serials section (I found a lot more info to
put on them) I'll start adding the posters that we've compiled so far.
enjoy!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar. 8, 2002 Announcement We
have a new sponsor and a great deal for you. For the many dealers and
individuals that don't like paypal. Citibank has started a new free
service for online payments called C2it. For those interested, look
on any page on the right side column, look for the C2it, then click
to find out more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar. 5, 2002 Announcement Long
time dealer and friend Fred Sliman has finally opened up a website.
Fred and I went to quite a few shows together and Fred has a great selection
of vintage movie posters that he's accumulated as well as new posters
and videos. Go by and see Fred's site at the
Cinema Trade and tell him I sent you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar. 2, 2002 ed's Ed-itorial I
just received my new copy of the 2002 'Movie Poster Price Almanac' and
my first thought was 'oh noooooo!!. This thing is toooo pretty'. I looked across my shelf and have a full row of all the Almanacs back to the old paperbacks that were put out twice a year when John first bought the lists. What's worse is that I remember how great I thought these were when John first started putting them out with a couple of thousand listings and each year they've gotten bigger and better. Now
there's so much info in them (117,000 listings which includes 34,000
auction listings) that I can't see any dealer or collector NOT having
one. This 900 page hardbound volume has over 250 dealer contacts from
around the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar. 1, 2002 WOW!!
so many changes in the works that I'm having trouble keeping up with
them! We want to welcome Diane Jeffreys from Studio C. Diane does fantastic work on poster restoration and is now our 'West Coast' connection!! Be sure to go thru her site and look around... This next week we'll be adding a new restoration article with lots of new material for you to check out!! Our
other new sponsor is Bill Cole from Bill Cole Enterprises!!!!!!!! Bill
has a great selection of high quality poster bags and archival supplies...
we're also working feverishly on a new article in this area to help
you with this additional info. Here come the Polls!!! After many discussions, we've decided to start a new polls section with 2 different polls!!! We're doing a long term poll and a monthly poll. AND WE WANT YOUR OPINION!!!!!!! On
the long term poll - this poll will run all year and has the 'heated'
topic of ...... For the next 2 weeks, we will be taking the first nominations, then you will be able to go on a separate page and see the ranking of 'your' favorite!!! Our other poll will be in conjunction with our sister site of SWPosterArchive.com and is.... 'WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STAR WARS POSTER?' This poll will run until the release of the new 'Episode 2' movie in May. For the next 2 weeks we will also be taking the first nominations... We have set up a special email for our polls, so to submit your nominations - you don't need your name, just email your nomination with this email address: polls@LearnAboutMoviePosters.com For
more info on the Star Wars poll, go to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For
those looking for great vintage posters.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feb. 23,2002 Just
an update on the many things that are going on.... We're getting close
to completing the list on the 'serial' section. We also have a 'serial'
giftshop that's almost complete. We've been changing around the 'Artist' section and have started adding material on studio artists. We've also collected quite a bit of material on studio history that we'll be adding to the 'History' section soon. If you have any suggestions or comments, let me hear those too:)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feb 9,2002 ed's Ed-itorial I've
been asked numerous times now about the new reprints and what I thought
Boy is that a loaded question to ask 'what I think?' - oh, you mean
about 'reprints'
that limits it a lot:) Why does technology always seem to complicate things. Everything seems to be going along smooth and then all of a sudden ...'poof'... some new technology changes all the rules of how things work. Around ninty years ago, Edison instituted a special size for movie posters to stop small independent printers from reproducing or 'reprinting' the special theater posters. Since the collapse of NSS and the studios return to distributing movie posters, the 'powers that be' saw fit to change this special size to save on distribution cost. That was the first major blow to poster collectors. A
little over a decade ago, technology bridged the gap to make it financially
feasible to reproduce this new size of movie posters and let outside
printers produce 'reprints' the same size and quality. Then technology struck again with online auctions opening up an international availability of movie posters and flooding the market with fantastic posters that were once so difficult to find only for them to become more common place. And now, as the original old posters continue to dry up and are getting ready to start climbing again ..'poof'... technology does it again. A little over a year ago, a friend of mine brought over 2 'Saving Private Ryan' posters. He wanted me to tell him which one was the reprint and which was the original, so I said 'sure, no problem' (with a slightly cocky attitude). He pulled out 2 'double-sided' 27x40 posters and said that one was a reprint he had just gotten in from Europe and the other was an original from the theater. To my shame, I checked and checked and couldn't tell the difference. Both had the same paper weight, size, gloss and even same percent fade on the back. Another major blow to poster collectors. This year, I've already noticed double-sided reprints on the market. Even though they're marketing them as 27x39 instead of 27x40, the fact is that the collectibility of new releases has greatly diminished. 'What does this mean?' you say. New collectors will NOT have the same satisfaction and security in purchasing NEW ORIGINAL theater posters that we enjoyed. It also means that the value of newer theater posters can't increase with age because there's always the indistinguishable 'reprint' available. Even though, most major investors became more skeptical of newer posters after the fall of National Screen, now investors will be limited more than ever before to the older posters and special editions that aren't reprinted (i.e. lenticulars). This doesn't change the market on the older original 27x41 posters of the past.. In fact, I think it may actually help it. As collectors that would be investing in newer releases fall back to the older standards. The limited number of older original posters continue to dry up and I believe prices will again start to rise on them. But it's just a shame, that the future of poster collectors become so limited by technology. We'll have to wait and see what happens next. In an interview with George Lucas last year, he outlined the future of the movie industry, proclaiming that the direction had to change to digital. The new Episode 2 that comes out in May will be the first movie to be produced completely digital. This way movies could eventually be downloaded from studio to theater making the quality a lot better and less expensive with out having to produce thousands of copies that get beat up in distribution. But there was a small footnote to the interview, a small mention that I haven't heard much about.. it was that posters and advertising material could also be downloaded once the proper equipment was installed ?????? What
will that do to the future of NEW releases as far as collectors are
concerned?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 20,2002 First
we want to welcome a new sponsor!!!! Next..
I want to apologize for so many broken links during the conversion of
formats.... I've never seen so many bugs in my life!! The problem is..
that not only have we changed the format, but we've been trying to build
in connections to make it easier to expand. Some
of the areas that we're correcting right now is.. in the artist section..we're
turning on more photos of the artists work and adding information about
the posters. This page for the poster will be the pages that come up
when we turn on the MOVIE section.. ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 10th 02 It's finally here!!!! our first Anniversary... We've totally changed the format to make it easier to navigate... We've added several new areas and are in the process of adding several more..... Some
of the NEW areas that have been added are: History - a whole section on the development of the movie poster!!! and a look thru the decades. check it out!! Artists - notice that when you have a poster available that there's a completely new format for the posters.... This is a glimpse of the upcoming 'MOVIE' section. We'll be adding A LOT MORE info here.... now there's room to put info on the posters. Across the bottom of the page is an area to breakdown the different sizes, foreign posters, commercial posters and a lot more...... Advertising - we will have available inexpensive business ads thru out the site that can be placed on particular topics. For more info on them, go to the 'Help' section. Changes and updates have been made in EVERY section except the 'test' and charts. But even that will be coming soon. The new expansion on Serials should be completed in the next couple of days... and you'll be seeing a lot of additional changes over the next couple of weeks. Soooo.... take your time and look thru all the information. If you see anything that needs adding or changing, please let us know... We're looking forward to our 2nd year and hope that we can help you.. LearnAboutMoviePosters...... ed