Bulletins for July-December 2001
12/27 We hope everyone is having a great holiday season. We have been working diligently on a new layout for our site. We're trying to put the new layout online by Jan. 10th (which is our 1st anniversary!!). The new layout will help speed up looking time and prepare for our expansion projects so be sure and come back and check it out... We thank everyone for the tremendous support that you've shown and really look forward to a great new year!! ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/29 Update: I apologize for not updating for the last couple of months. We all know that 9/11 was devastating to everyone. It makes you stop and think about the more important things of life when things like this happens. But at the end of Sept. - we came down with the flu and was out for several weeks, only to have our hard drive go out last month. We've been trying to get all the records back in place. The good news is that collectors have continued to come to the site!!! This week we should go over the 100,000 hits mark!!! Considering that we've been open less than a year and we don't do any advertising, we think that it's GREAT!! I only regret that we haven't been able to expand the information out as much as we wanted to. We plan to restructure and add a lot more right after the first of the year. If there's any area of interest that you could use that we don't have on... please let us know before then and we'll see about working on it:) We want to thank everyone for their continued support and we hope that we can continue to provide you with information that will be help in your collecting research ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/04 Update: Where did the month go???? We had quite a few distractions during the month and all of a sudden the month was over. As always, we want to thank everyone for their support and we wanted to keep everyone up to date on all the activities of our LearnAbout site. August was a GREAT month for us!!!! We ended the month with over 14,400 hits for the month!!! Last month we were at a little over 11,450. This was a 26% increase over last month. So we're extremely pleased with the increase. Because of all the distractions we only added 16 new pages for the month but that put the site's size at 400 pages and growing. We have a lot of partially finished articles that we will be trying to finish this month. Even though we're the largest poster information center on the net, we have a long way to go. Hopefully this month we can continue to enlarge our articles and add more information and photos. Again, we thank you for spreading the word about us and hope that LearnAbout.. is as beneficial to you. If there's any way that we can help or if you have any suggestions, please let us know. ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8/1/01
First we want to thank everyonefor your continued support and we wanted to keep you up to date on all the activities of our LearnAbout site. July was a GREAT month for us!!!! We ended the month with over 11,450 hits for the month!!! Last month we were at a little over 8900. So we're extremely pleased with the increase. We've been watching and one of the most popular areas is the Artists that create the posters. So this past month we added over 100 photos of the posters of various artists. We also added about 25 photos of serial posters (thanks to our sponsor Bruce Hershenson). In July, we enlarged the serial section by adding silent serials which increased the list from 251 up to 347 and continued to add cast and studio information. We eliminated poor links and added 16 new articles. We plan to continue with the expansion and plan to target several other areas that we feel aren't covered well enough. Besides the continuation of the areas that we are working on, we are preparing sections on history and expansion of foreign sections. We also received word from several Star Wars club members that we are mentioned in the new Star Wars Insider Magazine. We thought that we would be in the last issue but undoubtedly it was this issue they were talking about. Several members have alerted us that we're on page 87 of the new issue (#55). Club members received the issue last week, it's suppose to be on the news stands on August 7th. And since we're on Star Wars......... As you know, we've included your ads on our new sister site.. the Star Wars Poster Archive as well, so we wanted to let you know what was happening there too!! We've stopped expanding temporarily because...... we already outgrew the database that we were using!!!! We've had to stop and create a larger and better database to handle the information. This month, the new database and more info should go online. Again, we thank you for your continued support and hope that LearnAbout.. is as beneficial to you. If there's any way that we can help or if you have any suggestions, please let us know. ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7/10WELCOME OUR NEW SPONSORS: We
would like to welcome our two new sponsors. Remember, it's these sponsors
that bring this site to you FREE OF CHARGE! Unless
you are new to movie poster collecting, MOST PEOPLE IN THE INDUSTRY
know JOHN HAZELTON. He handles vintage movie posters, both American
and foreign and has put out catalogs for a long time. Extremely knowledgeable
in the industry. So if you're looking for vintage posters at a reasonable
get a lot of questions on preservation and linen-backing, so we're proud
to add Lee Milazzo from PosterConservation.com to our list of sponsors.
If you have questions about poster restoration or need a great old piece
linen-backed. Be sure to contact Lee at: http://www.posterconservation.com