Danish Film Posters
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Danish Film Firsts

Danish Film Firsts
Danish First in Film

The first presentation of film in Denmark was made on June 7, 1896 by Vilhelm Pacht in Raadhuspladsen in Copenhagen. A Lumiere camera and film program was used.
The first film produced in Denmark was Korsel med Gronlandske Hunde in 1896.
The first feature film over 1 hour was
Den Sorte Drom in 1911.
The first 'talkie' in Denmark was Eskimo in 1930.
The first color film was Tricks in 1956

Other Firsts

The first film archive in the world was the Danish Statens Arkiv fo Historiske Film og Stemmer, which started in the spring of 1910 when Anker Kirkeby of the Copenhagen newspaper Politiken approached Ole Olsen of Nordisk Films to preserve a copy of each film for the future.




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