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L.A.M.P. Membership

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Our new LAMP Membership program is designed to allow dealers and collectors that want MORE access to research and information.. PLUS a whole LOT more.


1. Access to the L.A.M.P. Dealers Market - the largest online list of posters FOR SALE by reputable dealers from around the world WITH conditions AND PRICES. This is the most up to date compilation with contact information. COMING SOON - AUCTION AND SALES RESULTS!! This will make the Dealers Market and Price Guide the only reliable price guide on the market.

2. Access to Larger images in our Cinema Poster Archive. For those that want or need larger images, we now are making them available. When you are logged in, an icon will appear just below the poster image that will let you know that a larger image is available.

3. Discounts - We have a variety of discounts from LAMP Dealers, Services and Suppliers and MORE coming!! This includes discounts on ALL LAMP Books.

4. Advanced Research - Access to more advanced articles such as tracking lithographer numbers, tracking studio logos, more in depth bios, and a lot more coming!

5. Intermission!! - A new game and play area just for LAMP Members!

6. IM Access - Special IM with direct access to us for any additional help or questions.

3. A LOT more benefits are in the process and will be online soon.

So Sign Up Now..... the price is FREE!!!

This is only for a LIMITED TIME, so don't miss out!

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