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In the 1920's and 1930's, studios such as MGM, Paramount and Warner Brothers issued special promotional posters featuring some of their most popular stars. These included Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, Marlene Dietrich, Laurel and Hardy, Jeannette McDonald, Nelson Eddy, Lon Chaney and James Cagney.

The following sample personality posters feature screen legends (l-r) Joan Crawford, Jean Harlowe and Marlene Dietrich.


Most of these personality posters measured 22" x 28", although there were exceptions. These posters were sent to theatres for display. Personality posters normally featured a great "portrait" style image of the star, their name and the studio name.


  • Although they are not "movie posters," these personality posters are very rare and very collectible as they were issued by the studios and displayed in the theatres.




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