Because our MPDB is actually 19 databases tied together, we have
to personally input each image to make sure all cross-referencing
and connections are done. Even though we have about 35,000 images
now in place, there are literally hundreds of thousands more to add.
As a result, our LAMP dealers were also limited as to what they could
list for sale in the MPDB.
To allow our LAMP dealers to be able to list other studio-issued
movie material NOT YET ARCHIVED, and to list OTHER
specific movie related items they have, such as DVD's, laser discs,
novelty items, we have added a series of "Generic" sections.
These generic images follow the thumbnail images on EACH movie title
A green "$" next to any box indicates that a LAMP dealer
or dealers have an item(s) for sale. You can see a listing of what
items are available by clicking on the box.
Here is a breakdown of the generic sections for items that have not
yet been archived:
Studio Items Not Archived Yet - These include studio
issued posters, press and promo materials on a particular title whose
images have not yet been archived. We have over 97,000 titles available
for our LAMP dealers to post items for sale.
Commercial Items Not Archived Yet - These include
commercial reproductions of studio-issued posters, etc. whose images
have not yet been archived.
To see an example, visit the MPDB page for Jailhouse
In addition to items not yet archived, many of our LAMP dealers have
other movie-related items that were never intended to be archived.
We have broken these down into two areas: Video and Electronics
(VHS tapes, DVD's, laser discs, reel-to-reels,), etc and Associated
Items (clothing, toys, novelty items, etc.
Since these new generic sections are part of an independent data
base, the searches that are available for the archived items DO NOT
INCLUDE these new generic items. We are currently working on new searches
and sorts that will include these new areas.
LAMP dealers are now loading -- so be sure to scroll to the bottom
of every title page. We also have two video dealers with hard to find
dealers that will soon be adding their inventories.
For more info on these new sections, click HERE.
Because of the increased traffic to our site since the
beginning of the year, last week, our web host made the decision to
move our site and the MPDB to a larger, more secure server. During
this move, we experienced some downtime (actually it was more in and
out) and have noticed some connections lost. It appears that everything
is back online. However, we ask our visitors to let us know of any
lost connections or links. Thanks.