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Online Auctions

If you're going to use online auctions for the first time...


We constantly hear about the problems with the online auctions. Iguide Publications did a study of the posters that were offered on the online auctions and found that about 60% of the posters listed were misrepresented in one form or another.

Because of the way online auctions are structured, you don't know how knowledgable or reputable the person you are dealing with really is... and the ratings system can be manipulated too easily.

Besides the misrepresentation of the poster itself, there are also many other problems that you MUST consider..

  • Are you going to get the actual poster that you see online?
  • what is the real condition of the poster?
  • Do they know how to pack it, or will you receive a crushed poster?
  • How long will you have to wait to get it?
  • If there's problems, will they refund your money?
  • Will the seller be there after the sale?

We constantly hear horror stories, so be very careful. If it's your first time, then you might want to take our Online Auction Buyers Test to see how savvy you are BEFORE you buy ANYTHING.

The most important point in buying is to find a REPUTABLE DEALER. There are MANY reputable dealers out there...

We have put together a list of VERY REPUTABLE DEALERS for you that we HIGHLY RECOMMEND as being reputable AND VERY knowledgable.
and No..... they are not the only ones... but you can talk directly to THESE dealers...just click on their name, you can see who they are and more about them.. Beside their name is a link to their auctions that they currently have in any other online auction.If there is only one listing, then it is eBay unless stated otherwise.


2021 LAMP logo

Movie Poster Archives - non-profit, holds an auction of excess material every 5-6 weeks.

Dominique Besson - Has a wonderful selection of European posters and some US material also - poster-from-france

eMoviePoster.com - is the largest seller of movie posters in the world. eMoviePoster.com - Tuesday Auctions | Thursday Auctions | Sunday Auctions

French Movie Posters - Alexis has an excellent selection of French Movie Posters.
eBay - fmp2000

Heritage Auction - Grey has 3 different types of auctions Signature, Internet and Gallery auctions.  
Heritage Direct

Hollywood Poster Frames - Sue now has posters available but mainly she is THE one to get your poster frames from - hollywoodposterframes -

Movie Mem - John has a wonderful selection of worldwide posters, autographs and a lot more.

Movie Art of Austin - Kirby McDaniel - specializes in great vintage and large posters - movieart*austin*tx*usa

Spotlight Displays - Looking to highlight that poster. Robert has an excellent selection of snap front frames AND light boxes.

Unshredded Nostalgia - Jim Episale has a great selection of vintage and non US posters -jime@unshreddednostalgia.com


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