begin this section, we want to present the basic process and steps
used to determine or assess value. Assessing value can be very difficult,
is inherently subjective, and relies on a number of variables. The
first step to assessing movie art is to understanding that it is based
purely on economics.
think back over the other five keys that youve just covered. As
we go through each step of the process, look back at the different
variables. The basic principle of economics is that cost is determined
by availability times demand and the balancing of the two.
our first key, we discussed collectability and mentioned the different
types of posters that are on the market. For example, commercial posters
are produced in such large numbers (sometimes in the hundredths of
thousands) for sale to the public that they are easily available;
therefore, their price rides until the availability declines.
On the other hand, legitimate "movie art" pieces are produced
in small quantities, NOT distributed to the public, and are designed
to be destroyed after a short-time use. Because of these factors,
the availability of these items is drastically reduced.
next major factor (and the most important) is demand. There are two
major lines in the category of demand:
commercial line of thought is to satisfy the demand of the public.
Items are produced to meet that demand. If the demand meets availability,
then you just make more. Consequently, the value of commercial posters
remains low.
the collectable line of thought, you only have a certain number of
products available on the market. If the demand is low, the value
stays low. If the demand for the product is high, the value keeps
rising until the demand is met. This is why you can have very old
items that are inexpensive and newer items that get very expensive.
next major area of consideration is objectivity. You can take an item
and lets say that its assessed at $100.00. One collector says "thats
a ridiculous price who would pay that," while another collector
says "thats a low price it should be much higher." Now,
which one owns the item and which one doesnt?
Staying objective can also be difficult. To get a true assessment
of an item, you have to realize this and do your best to stay in the
youre ready to start the most crucial aspect of assessing movie art
should begin by searching for comparables (other items
that are very similar to yours) and here's some steps that
might help.
it's preferable to look for comparables that HAVE SOLD.
Second, search for comparables that are being offered for sale. Dont
stop with one or two. You need to locate as many as you can.
As you compile your research, make sure you are COMPARING IDENTICAL
ITEMS apples to apples.
For instance, be sure that it is not a reissue or a different style
or size (half sheet, inserts, one sheet, etc.).
list out your price ranges from high to low and look closely at your
Weed out unusually high and unusually low prices. These could be flukes
from an auction where bidders fight over an item and run up the price
or someone who didnt know what they had, sold it cheaper because
of a lack of bidders.
Then take into consideration the reliability of the source and when
the price was offered (i.e., 1996, 1997, etc.). Values 10 years old
are not as reliable unless you can find no other listings.
After weeding out all questionable prices, you should arrive at a
value range.
youve established a price range, we now must look at any factors
that may effect an individual piece.
For example, the location of the poster and/or the poster seller may
have a direct impact on the value.
Posters priced in a foreign market vary greatly from those in the
United States. In some regions, certain titles are valued higher than
in other areas of the world.
The actual condition of the item will affect where it falls within
the price range.
Linen backing adds to the value of movie art, so this too must be
taken into consideration.