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the Movie Industry of the WORLD
each continent will have a country breakdown


General Information

International movie material is so vast that volumes could be written on each country. Nothing is standard - oddities and exceptions are frequent - so there is no way, by any stretch of the imagination, to cover this topic completely.

Here are some suprising facts about the development of the movie industry.

For example:
· The first movies were made in France.
· The first feature film (over one hour in length) was made in Australia in 1906.

Feature films followed in:
France (1909),
Denmark (1911),
Germany (1911),
Italy (1911),
Poland (1911),
Russia (1911)
Serbia (1911),
Spain (1911),
Austria (1912),
Greece (1912),
Hungary (1912),
Japan (1912),
Norway (1912),
Romania (1912),
United Kingdom (1912),

and then FINALLY the

United States in 1912.

· The first 3-D cartoon was released in Canada.

· The first feature length cartoon film was El Apostol, released in Argentina in 1917.

· The first full length cartoon talkie was Peludopolis, also from Argentina, released in 1931.

· The Adventures of Pinocchio was released in Italy in 1936.

· The first US cartoon feature, Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which was released in 1937. Snow White was, however, the world's first cartoon feature to be made in both sound and color.

The world output of full-length feature films is around 4,000 films annually. Almost one-half of these films are produced in Asia, the largest producer being India, who releases over 700 movies per year. This compares to the approximately 3-400 full-length feature films released in the theaters in the United States annually.

We have tried to cover a brief history of the film industry in each major country and important information to serve temporarily until we can construct a larger and more indepth site on each. As we finalize and turn on an individual site, we will mark the site below as 'website online'. Be sure to check the various links to different sections, articles and reports. For a more indepth look at a world wide view of the cinema, see our website Global Cinema.

Since many other countries don't have the same restrictions or structure as in the US industry, there are many WONDERFUL posters by a wide variety of poster artists. Many of the US television series have also been released to theaters in some countries.

For those that are not familiar with International Posters, we have also prepared an article 'Introduction to International Posters'

We invite you to browse the MoviePosterDataBase.com (MPDB)and notice all the different variations. Be sure to check the Release Info under each title for aka's. We have over a million links online so be sure and click around for additional info.



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