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At times promotions are done where posters are pasted on old buildings around town. When such a promotion is done, the posters are given over to an independent contractor to do the midnight pasting. But before they are given out, normally orders are given to mark them. One of the major ways that they are marked is, they literally take a drill and drill a hole thru the stack of posters .

This hole can vary in size and location on the poster, but its normally between the size of a dime to the size of a quarter. This way the posters are easily detectible if they make it back on the market.


This DRASTICALLY affects the value and most collectors won't accept it unless the itme has become rare or hard to find.


Since the actual paper is gone, a professional restorer is needed to replace the paper and repaint over the hole. Usually the procedure is more expensive than the value of the poster warrants.








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