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Night of the Living Dead (1968)
One Sheet (1968)OS

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Additional Info:
measures 27x41. NOTICE: I've been told conflicting information on this poster..... none of which seems correct. I've been told that it's the International Issue; an R70s rerelease and a rare pre-distributor release (because of the Pennsylvania review).. Well.. it has no US ratings box which eliminates the 70s reissue, it also has the original distributor logo which eliminates the rare pre-issue, but it has no real markings of an International release either.. There is no NSS info on it.. AND no US ratings (which started later in 1968). NOTICE: the back of the pressbook and the herald.
THANKS to information sent to me by Peter Molitor, Continental was doing a test showing at 11 theaters in Pittsburgh and was completely surprised by the overwhelming response. Because of the response, Continental began "mapping a very costly campaign for its general release all over the country".

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