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Quo Vadis? (1951)
One Sheet - Video Release (1966)

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Additional Info:
measures 14x22 on card stock. NOTICE: This is the artwork for the 1964 campaign "This is the BIG ONE". But, apparently they had a noobie on the job. The copyright and NSS number are for 1952 (instead of 1951). BUT look at the end of the NSS number (52/276 - that number is assigned to the film Junction City released by Columbia). The film was released in Roadshow November 1951 and to NSS in February 195 with the NSS number 51/211). It was reissued in 1964 with the NSS number 64/276. So whoever hand wrote on the stencil used the 1964 piece number and put the 1952 from when NSS distributed it.

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