L'Imagerie Gallery
Debi Jacobson
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Here's what we have in the Cinema Poster Archive #A-B C-D E-F G-H I-K L-M N-O P-R S T-V W-Z contact me for any questions (Click on title to go to the database record with stock image) Be sure to check dealer condition #, A-B TITLE YEAR CTRY SIZE COND PRICE 13 Ghosts 1960 US 41x81 2001 1968 US 40x60 2001 1968 US 41x81 2001 - Style A 1968 US 27x41 LB 2001 - Style B 1968 US 27x41 A&C Go To Mars 1953 US 27x41 LB A&C Lost in Alaska 1952 US 27x41 LB Ace In The Hole 1951 US 27x41 Ace In The Hole 1951 US 41x81 Adam and Eva - title card 1923 US 11x14 Advise and Consent 1962 US 41x81 Affair In Trinidad 1952 US 22x28 African Queen 1952 US 41x81 LB African Queen 1952 US 14x36 Alamo 1960 US 27x41 LB Alexander the Great 1956 FR 47X63 LB Alien 1979 US 27x41 LB All About Eve 1950 US 11x14 All About Eve 1950 US 27x41 LB All About Eve 1950 IT 39X55 LB All Quiet of the Western Front 1930 US 14x22 All That Heaven Allows 1955 US 27x41 LB All Through the Night 1942 US 14x22 Alphaville 1965 IT 55x78 LB Alphaville 1965 FR 47x63 LB Amblin 1968 US 27x41 American in Paris 1951 US LCS American in Paris 1951 US 27x41 LB American in Paris 1951 US 14x36 American in Paris 1951 US 22x28 Anatomy of A Murder 1959 US 27x41 LB Angels With Dirty Faces - style B 1938 US 27x41 Angry Red Planet 1960 US 41x81 LB Annie Get Your Gun 1950 US 41x81 LB Annie Hall 1977 US 27x41 LB Apartment 1960 US 27x41 LB Apartment 1960 US 41x81 LB Apartment 1960 US 41x81 April in Paris 1953 US 41x81 LB Arctic Antics 1930 US 27x41 Arsenic and Old Lace 1944 US 41x81 LB Arsenic and Old Lace 1944 US 27x41 LB Astounding She Monster 1958 US 41x81 LB Astounding She Monster 1958 US 27x41 LB Atragon 1965 US 41x81 Attack of the Crab Monsters 1957 US 41x81 LB Attack of the Puppet People 1958 US 27x41 LB Auntie Mame 1958 US 27x41 LB Babe Comes Home 1927 US 11x14 Babes in Arms - C 1939 US 27x41 Babes on Broadway 1941 US 27x41 Baby Doll 1957 US 41x81 LB Baby Doll 1957 US 27x41 LB Baby Doll 1957 US 22x28 Baby Face 1933 US 11x14 Bad and the Beautiful 1953 US 41x81 LB Bad and the Beautiful 1953 US 27x41 LB Band Wagon 1953 US 41x81 LB Band Wagon 1953 US 27x41 LB Barbarella - style B 1968 US 27x41 Barbarella 1968 US 41x81 LB Barbarella 1968 US 81X81 Barbarella 1968 JAP 20x29 Barefoot in the Park 1967 US 14x22 Barry Lyndon 1975 US 41x81 LB Bat 1959 US 41x81 Batman 1966 US 41x81 LB Batman 1966 US 41x81 Battle For Planet of Apes 1973 US 41x81 Battle For Planet of Apes 1973 US 81x81 Belle of New York 1952 US 27x41 LB Benny Goodman Story 1956 US 41x81 Bicycle Thieves 1950 GER 23x33 Big Clock 1948 US 41x81 LB Big Clock 1948 US 27x41 LB Big Combo 1955 US 41x81 Big Sleep 1946 US 27x41 LB Big Sleep 1946 US 14x36 Billy Liar 1963 UK 30X40 LB Birdman of Alcatraz 1962 US 41x81 Birds 1963 US 41x81 LB Bitter Rice 1950 US 27x41 LB Black Orpheus 1959 FR 47X63 LB Blade Runner 1982 US 27x41 LB Blazing Saddles 1974 US 27x41 LB Blob 1958 US 27x41 LB Blockade 1938 US 41x81 LB Blond Venus - lobby card #1 1932 US 11x14 Blond Venus - lobby card #2 1932 US 11x14 Blood on the Moon 1949 US 27x41 Blow Up 1966 US 41x81 LB Blow Up 1966 GER 33x46 Blue Dahlia 1946 US 41X81 LB Blue Hawaii 1961 US 41x81 LB Blue Montana Skies 1939 US 27x41 LB Bluebeard's 10 Honeymoons 1960 US 41x81 Bonnie and Clyde 1967 US 41x81 Bonnie and Clyde 1967 US 27x41 LB Brain From Planet Arous 1957 US 27x41 LB Breakfast At Tiffany's 1961 US 81x81 Breakfast At Tiffany's 1961 US 41x81 LB Breakfast At Tiffany's 1961 US 27x41 Bride Came C.O.D. 1941 US 41x81 Bride Came C.O.D. 1941 US 27x41 LB Bridges at Toko-Ri 1954 US 27x41 Brigadoon 1954 US 41x81 LB Brigadoon 1954 US 27x41 LB Bright Leaf 1950 US 41x81 Brubaker 1980 US 41x81 Bullitt 1969 IT PB Set Bullitt 1969 IT 55x78 LB Bullitt 1969 IT 39x55 LB Bullitt 1969 US 14x22 Bullitt 1969 US 27x41 LB Bullitt - Advance 1969 US 27x41 LB Bus Stop 1956 US 41x81 Bus Stop 1956 US 27x41 LB Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid 1969 US 14x22 Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid 1969 US 41x81 LB Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid 1969 US 81x81 Butterfield 8 1960 IT 55x78 LB Butterfield 8 1960 US 27x41 LB
Here's what we have in the Cinema Poster Archive #A-B C-D E-F G-H I-K L-M N-O P-R S T-V W-Z contact me for any questions
(Click on title to go to the database record with stock image) Be sure to check dealer condition
#, A-B
Dealer Info: L'Imagerie Gallery 10555 Victory Boulevard North Hollywood, California 91606 US Phone: (818) 762-8488 Email address: limagerie@earthlink.net Website: LAMP
Dealer Info:
L'Imagerie Gallery 10555 Victory Boulevard North Hollywood, California 91606 US Phone: (818) 762-8488 Email address: limagerie@earthlink.net Website: LAMP