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This is one of the most common but also one of the most mis-understood problem with posters. Tape is so common that the culprit could be anyone who has handled the poster.... even some COLLECTORS are guilty of using common tape to try to do a 'quick fix' on a tear. Let's take a little closer look at the situation:


Household and commercial tapes come in a WIDE variety of types and sizes from common Scotch tape to masking tape (I've even seen DUCT tape on the back of some posters).

Most types of tape use a very acidic adhesive. The problem is that you can't SEE the acid. You wouldn't sit and watch insects chew away at your poster....... BUT even though you can's SEE the damage occuring, the acid is slowly EATING away at your poster just like an insect. AND what's even worse...... unlike insects, when you remove the tape..... the acid normally continues to EAT YOUR POSTER!!



Tape will greatly impact a poster's overall value, depending on the kind of tape, how much and where it's located. Tape in the border would have little affect; BUT anywhere in the artwork could be very damaging.

For more information, see GRADING


The problem is that just removing the tape doesn't stop the acid so it's usually best done by a professional restorer. Some restorers use a soaking solution to rinse the tape residue off the poster, while others use Naptha.

Here are LAMP Approved restorers:

US Restorers
L'Imagerie Gallery
Hollywood Poster Frame Hollywood Poster Frames
Movie Poster Works

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