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A tear occurs when a part of the poster is separated from the remainder of the poster.


Most tears occur in the area of the fold lines. When posters have been folded and unfolded a number of times, pressure is placed on the fold lines and this can sometimes lead to separations or tears. Tears can also be the result of mishandling or poor storage.


The location and size of the tears will determine what impact it will have on the overall value of the poster. If the tears are on the border of the poster, they will not impact the value. If the tear affects the artwork of the poster, the value of the poster will be decreased. SEE GRADING FOR MORE INFORMATION!


Most tears, particularly those alone the fold lines, can be repaired by re-adhering the tear with the use of non-acid archival tape on the back side of the poster. NOT SCOTCH, MASKING OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD TAPE.

We recommend an Archival Document Repair Tape that is released by Lineco. It's easy to handle, non-acidic, can be removed, and almost invisible. You don't normally use that much at a time so one box usually last quite a while.

Bags Unlimited has this item in stock if you don't have access to any.

For larger tears, a restorer should be used:

Here are LAMP Approved restorers:

US Restorers
L'Imagerie Gallery
Hollywood Poster Frame Hollywood Poster Frames
Movie Poster Works




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