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London Film Company

London Film Company was formed in 1913 by the Provincial Cinematograph Theatres. Ralph Jupp and Ralph Dewsbury headed the production company and produced numerous films, some with US directors and stars.

Dewsbury directed several films and then left in 1916 to join the Royal Flying Corp during World War I. He came back in 1917 to direct one additional film. Here's a list of the films Dewsbury directed from our archive.

Ralph Jupp who had formed Provincial Cinematograph in 1909 which became the first important UK cinema circuit. In 1912, he co-founded the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association of Great Britain and was it's first president. In 1914, he founded the Associated Provincial Picture Houses. In 1916, Jupp became ill and he to retire. In 1918, he sold off his interests and died in 1921.

The company distributed it's final film in 1920 and closed its doors.

Here's a list of films by London Film Company in our archive.



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