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Victor Waylon Cornelius

In the 1920's the Cornelius family moved to the oil boom area of Texas. Victor was the 7th of seven children and learned early to fight for what he wanted.

Victor started as a sign painter and worked from the Gulf Coast to the Texas panhandle. Wanting to branch out, Victor set up a nickelodeon circuit of jukeboxes and pinball machines.

Victor saw opportunity in the restaurant field and wanted to combine his knowledge of sign painting. He patented a display for attaching movie advertising to the side of cafe napkin holders, which caught on rapidly.

Victor built a national company printing and selling theatrical-movie advertising that were targeted to restaurants.

Here is some samples from our database

Victor also set up a company to make specialty menus that is still in existance today. Their website is: http://www.vcmenus.com/

Their address is:

Victor Cornelius Inc.
PO Box 71
Eastland, Texas 76448

And as a note: they don't have any movie material....... we've already checked



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