Bulletin Board

Check back to keep up with what's going on in the poster industry.... if you have an announcement that needs to go here, please contact us at:

May 10, 2003

We've been working real hard on the new database. It's starting to take shape a little more. I just finished adding the sample on Sales History..... If you haven't seen it you need to take a look. Here's a write up and at the bottom you can click straight over.... OR you can go straight to the Movie Section.... I have placed an entrance to it there.

You see we added a new article on Disney Theater Posters for those that collect them...(we do!!). We're continually adding to the NSS numbers mainly due to the efforts of Andy Schoenhorn. I wanted to give him a special thanks because I don't have time to gather them right now and he keeps sending me more..... That really helps!!!

We're now moving the database over to a SQL to give it more speed and a lot more connections. After that we'll be finalizing the new log-in system and movie the database into our regular format. Then we'll be putting up a practice area for dealers.........That means we're about 4-6 weeks away from turning it on for the dealers!!!!

Do you know what that means!!! YES!! We'll start adding dealers inventory for sale on the site!!! We expect to have 30-40,000 posters for sale on the site within 6 months!!!!

Besides being the largest movie poster reference site on the internet..... we'll also be the largest site with posters for sale on the internet..

Instead of worrying about all the problems when you start to buy your new poster.... you'll be able to come here... see the largest selection on the net.... do your research in the same location and deal with guaranteed dealers... AT THE SAME LOCATION.

well, I can't wait so I have to get back to work.... later



May, 2, 2003

We're going in circles trying to work on too many things at one time......

I did want to stop and make a couple of announcements......

FIRST...We have a new sponsor (yeah!)April 12, 2002

YEAH!! I'm back! (you didn't miss me?). We have been working real hard on the new database as well as a couple of other projects. A little over a month ago, I started having trouble with the hard drive in our main computer. 3 weeks ago..... it CRASHED!!. After several conversations with the manufactor and running numerous programs, the manufactor finally agreed that it was a hard drive failure. At least they replaced it free of charge, it just took some time. Now...... we're running way behind schedule!!! This weekend I'll be making a lot of changes on the site... updating several articles and sections as well as the front page, poster news etc.

One area that we want to make an announcement on.... We've come to the conclusion that the new database it so large that instead of waiting until it's completely finished..... I'm going to start loading some of the beginning layers!!. We feel that this can help us work out more of the final bugs in each layer through usage instead of us just playing with it. We're still about 6 weeks away from the completion of the debugging of the program... but we can let you start seeing some of it... As I finish the opening pages, I'll post it.

We also have a lot of other things to fix but instead of me just rattling about them.... let me go fix them and I'll come back and post them.



OK, for those that want to check out a sample of the new database
click here


Feb 18, 2002

I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted. As you can tell, a lot of stuff has been going on the site and behind the scenes. Let me try to catch everyone up on some of the activities....

Our book finally came out. The publisher started shipping about 10 days ago. It sure seems like it's been a long time in the works. We've been shipping autographed copies all over the world..... so if you haven't gotten yours... we' re holding one for you!!

We've put a lot of new stuff on the site AND.... it looks like we've finally worked out the bugs on our database!!!!! YEAH!!! we've started loading!! I figure it will take us about 6 weeks before we're ready to turn a section of it on for everyone to see and about a year just to imput all the photos and info THAT WE'VE GATHERED SO FAR!! But I can't wait for that TOO!.

We also have a sister site getting ready to go online in about 10 days.. I'll be announcing it in a few days. We've been working on it for a while (between all the chaotic periods).

AND, I hope everyone has taken a look at Susie's Corner.... it's Mardi Gras time down here and Sue has already made me promise to take pictures this weekend at the parades so she can put them on the site. So be sure and check back on it next week when she puts them up online.

And today we got our new Heritage Poster Catalog for the new auction!! It looks FANTASTIC!! I'll start posting all of their great pieces tomorrow for you to see.

Well, back to the grind stone... so much to do .... so little energy.

next time



Jan 10, 2002


Hi Everyone,

We wanted to let everyone know that Jan. 10th is our 2nd Anniversary on the internet. (yeah!!) and we've had (as McDonald's use to say) …… 700,000 served!!!! since we started it 2 years ago.

We've tried our best to make a difference in the poster collecting world by making available the most reliable information possible.

We thought and thought … what could we do for our anniversary. The best thing we could think of to start off our 3rd year …. was to improve the site!!!

So we made a new logo..
Put on a new front page layout..
Improved our indexes..
New headers on all the pages…
New navbar with pull down locations.
Added new sections…… on Early Movie Studios, Minor Studios and French artists.
New Artists Index with info on almost 300 poster artist
Updates on dozens of articles including poster history, studio history, conditions and condition charts, NSS numbers

We've added over 30 new articles…. on topics like … Leader Press, the Other Company, snipes, door panels, Donald Velde Company, Morgan Litho Company and a Morgan Litho number log to help verify poster ages….. and lots more!!

We've added so much that I'll be loading new material all weekend!!!!

We also have new sponsors……

Gene Arnold of MoviePosters.com A lot of you know Gene... he's from Texas and for some reason Texans want EVERYTHING bigger and Better... And he's doing his best to give a Bigger and Better selection of EVERYTHING. You need to take a look at all the great stuff Gene has. We'll be adding his dealer page on in a couple of days but for now, check out his site.

Marshall John's - Yes this is the group that you hear Bruce talking about! Here's a fast growing company to keep your eye on!! This team of John and Philip started in 2001 and has quickly put together a winning combination. John has an eye for the unusual and Philip (from working with Bruce Hershenson) is a fanatic about getting things right! What more could you ask for. They carry unusual items and have one of the fastest growing consignment programs in the biz. You DON'T want to miss their stuff. We're adding their dealer page this weekend

And FINALLY! our New Book is about to come out!!! The printer says he's shipping out the book next Thursday!!!! I'M TIRED OF WAITING!!! WHY CAN'T IT BE HERE TODAY!!

Oh well, with over 75,000 visitors last month...a new book coming out next week....tons of changes on the site .....

What a great way to start a New Year!!

We're looking forward to a GREAT New Year and hope that you have one too!!!!





Archived Bulletins

Bulletins for October - December 2002
Bulletins for July - September 2002
Bulletins for April - June 2002

Bulletins for January - March 2002

Bulletins for July-December 2001
Bulletins for April - June 2001
Bulletins for January - March 2001