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British Film Posters


Pioneers of the Industry

We dedicate this section to the people behind the cameras that had a major impact on the creation of the British movie industry. These pioneers had little resources but tremendous amounts of energy and creativity. Quite often they had to be dreamers, inventors, carpenters, engineers, workers, showmen and scientists all wrapped up into one. We owe these dedicated founding fathers, our sincere gratitude.

This picture was taken of the cinema founding fathers in 1909 at the Paris Convention. On the front row starting on the left is G. H. Cricks, then Cecil Hepworth and then R. W. Paul. Others reported in the photo are Georges Melies, James A. Williamson, J H Martin and W G Barker. We will continue to try to identify each.

Acres, Birt

Balcon, Michael

Friese-Greene, William

Hepworth, Cecil

Maxwell, John

Paul, (R.W.) Robert William

Rank, J. Arthur

Stoll, Oswald

Urban, Charles

Wilcox, Herbert


For the film stars in the industry, go to our British Legends Section.

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