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This section is Tarzan released in other languages
from around the world.
We've also arranged these by order of release.
There probably are more. We will continue to update as we get more info


Toofani Tarzan - (India)
starring John Cavas as Tarzan.


Tarzan Ki Beta - (India)
starring Manek as Tarzan


Adventures of Chinese Tarzan (China)
starring Peng Fei as Tarzan.


Toto Tarzan - (Italy) released by CDI -
starring Toto as Tarzan - comedy.


Tarzan in Istanbul (Turkey)
starring Tamer Balci as Tarzan.


Tarzan do 50 Esquerdo, O (Portugal)
starring Raul Solnado as Tarzan.


Thozan - (India)
starring Manchar as Tarzan.


Toofani Tarzan (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzanova smrt (Czechoslovakia)
aka Death of Tarzan released by Filmové Studio Barrandov - comedy.
starring Rudolph Hrusinsky as Tarzan.


Tarzan aur Gorilla (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Rocket Tarzan (India)
starring Indrajeet as Tarzan.

Tarzan aur Jadugar (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzan chez les Coujpeurs de tete (Italy)
starring Kit Morris as Tarzan.

Tarzan roi de la Force Brutale (Italy)
starring Joe Robinson as Tarzan.

Tarzan des Mers (USSR)
starring Vladamir Korenev as Tarzan.


Tarzak Contro Gli Uomini Leopardo (Italy)
aka Ape Man of the Jungle
aka Tarzan Contra Los Hombres Leopardo
aka Tarzak Against the Leopard Men
starring Ralph Hudson as Tarzan

Tarzan's Beloved (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzan and Captain Kishore (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzan aur Jalpari (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Jungle Tales of Tarzan (W. Germany)
starring Brick Bardo as Tarzan.

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (Jamaica)
starring Don Bragg (this film was never finished).


Tarzan and Cleopatra (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzan and the Circus (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.

Tarzan and King Kong (India)
starring Dara Singh as Tarzan

Tarzan Comes to Dehli (India)
starring Dara Singh as Tarzan.

Tarzak Against the Leopardmen (Italy)
starring Ralph Hudson as Tarzan.


Tarzan Ki Mehbooba (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan

Tarzan and Hercules (India)
starring ???

Tarzan aur Jadui Chirag (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.


Luana, Wife of Tarzan - (Italy) released by Primex Italiana. No tarzan....... No Jane..... just wanted to use the name??

Tarzans Kampf mit dem Gorilla (W. Germany)
short - starring ??

Tarzan in Fairy Land (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.


Tarzán en la gruta del oro - (Italy)
aka Tarzan in the Golden Grotto
aka Zan, King of the Jungle
aka King of the Jungle
released by Hispamex - starring Steve Hawkes as Tarzan.


Tarzan 303 (India)
starring Azad as Tarzan.


Tarzán y el misterio de la selva - (Spain)
aka Green Inferno
aka Tarzan and the Jungle Mystery
starring Richard Yerteran as Tarzan.

Tarzán y el arco iris - Italy/Spain)
aka Gungala & the Treasure of Emerald Cave
aka Tarzan and the Rainbow
starring Steve Hawkes as Tarzan.

Karzan: Master of the Jungle (Italy)
starring Johnny Kissmuller Jr. as Tarzan SPOOF


Tarzán en las minas del rey Salomón - (Spain)
aka Tarzan in King Solomon's Mines
starring David Carpenter as Tarzan.


Tarzan y el tesoro Kawana (Spain)
starring Richard Yesteran as Tarzan.


Tarzoon, la honte de la jungle (Belgium)
aka Honte de la jungle, La
aka Jungle Burger (UK)
aka Shame of the Jungle (1979 US)
aka Tarzoon, Shame of the Jungle (1979 US)
animated film. US voice over with John Belushi as Tarzoon.


Tarzan of Bengal (Bangladesh)


Jane is Jane Forever (W. Germany)
starring Karl Blomer as Tarzan.


La Infancia de Tarzan (Spain)
starring ???


Tarzan Andy (Italy)
starring Andy Luotto as Tarzan - SPOOF


Gummi-Tarzan (Sweden)
aka Rubber Tarzan
starring Soren Sogren as Tarzan.


Tarzan (India)
starring Hemant Brije as Tarzan.


Min pappa är Tarzan (Sweden)
aka My Papa is Tarzan
starring Richard Armstrong as Tarzan.


Tarzan of Manisa (Turkey)
starring Talat Bulut as Tarzan.


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