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Continental Litho

Continental Litho Company, located in Cleveland, Ohio, was started by an employee of Morgan Litho in the mid 1920's. Coninental started by taking the Warner Bros. account from Morgan which sustained them for many years.

In their early years, they used the logo seen on the left with the plate number on the bottom of the logo (7836). We have posters in our MPDB with this logo from 1928 until 1934. This one is from the 1930 film Dawn Patrol.

In 1934, Continental changed from their logo and moved to primarily just putting their name and plate number across the bottom border, usually toward the middle or on the left.

Here's the sample of the Continental tag from the 1939 film Dark Victory. Notice the plate number at the end tag line.

By the late 1940s, National Screen Service was at full strength and had an enormous need for the steady supply of plates for the massive amount of posters produced. In 1957, NSS acquired Continental Litho to supply the plates for them.

Once NSS acquired Continental, the name 'Continental' was rarely used on the NSS posters. Instead you will normally find just the plate number.

Unlike Morgan Litho, Continental used a very unusual and complex numbering system. We are reconstructing it now and will be putting a Continental Number Log online soon.

For a list of posters currently in our MPDB for Continental Litho Co.

Since Continental was the lithographer for Warner Brothers from 1928 on, here's our MPDB list on Warner Brothers



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