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United States


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Acme Litho - US
Ad Slicks

Adams, Neal - US Artist
Addams, Charles - US Artist
Advance Poster
Aiken, Harry - Pioneer - US
Ajax Pictures - US
Akimoto, G - US Artist
All Star Feature Corp.- US
Allied Pictures Corp. - US
Allison - US Artist
Alvin, John - US Artist
Ambassador Pictures - US
American Art - US commercial
American International Pictures (AIP) - US
Amsel, Richard - US Artist
Animation History - Int'l
Animation Studios - US
Anniversary Issues
Argus Enterprises - US 
Artist Index - US
Associated Film Releasing Corp. - US
Awards Posters
Bakshi, Ralph - US Artist
Balboa Films - US
Barclay, McClelland - US Artist
Barr, George - US Artist
Barr, Ken - US Artist
Bass, Saul - US Artist
Beacon Pictures - US
Beaumont Pictures - US
Beaton, Cecil - US Artist
Benton Card Company - US
     Benton Card Company - posters & numbers - US
Berke-Perrin Productions - US
Berkey, John - Artist
Biograph Company - US
Black Cast Posters
Bleed-throughs - Blemishes
Boarding and Bagging Posters
Brown, Reynold - Artist
Brunner, Frank - Artist
Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises - US
Bus Stop Posters - US
Butler, Ralph - Artist
Butts Litho - US

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